You are kindly invited to submit Poster abstracts for
the International Scientific Practical Conference "Infectology 2019"
All abstracts should contain the title, full names and workplace of the author(s), city, country and email address. Text of the abstract, excluding the title and all information about the author(s), should not exceed 5 000 letters. Submissions must be in English or Lithuanian language.
Abstract structure:
- Background and objectives
- Material (patients) and research method used
- Findings / results in sufficient details to support conclusions
- Conclusions and recommendations
Please use the form below to submit your Poster abstract
All abstracts will be reviewed and selected for Poster presentations session. Authors of accepted abstracts will get confirmation and detailed instructions for Poster presentation by email. The text to abstracts will not be edited, so please pay special attention to correct spelling.
Abstracts should be submitted by e-mail to the address before 12 May 2019 in .docx format ("Word").
The answer about acceptance will be given until 31 May 2019.
Authors of selected Poster abstracts will be:
- invited to present a report at Poster presentations session
- will be granted free registration to the conference (the first author of poster only)